The worst complaint in restaurant

The worst complaint in restaurant

โดย Sutida Luangna -
Number of replies: 3

Before I’m going to talk about my worst complaint that I made in the restaurent, I’m going to tell you guys that I’m a person who isn’t really serious about anything, I’m not complaining often, so if I really complaint with that things , it is really the  worst. Let’s start, well, this is a Thai Isaan restaurant in Koh Samui. I like to went there because I like to eat Isaan food and it is near my house, so each time I went there, there are many situations that I want to complain but I don’t. But that day I really had to do it because I was ordered a foods before other tables but I received it last. I was waiting about my food like 30 minutes and I told them already but they still serve a foods to another tables so I didn’t understand why my food took so long so I still wait until 1H and half and then my foods come. I’m really sorry but the restaurant is very popular but the service is so bad so I was complaining like why my foods come so late and why you can serve to another table before me while I ordered first and I was so mad so they apologized me but they look like they didn’t care about it. So this is my worst complaints because I think it is not fair to do it in the hospitality industry. Thank you.

In reply to Sutida Luangna

Re: The worst complaint in restaurant

โดย Nichakorn Angsuphanich -

I think you did right complaining that restaurant about this issue. From what you told us the employees don’t seem to try and help you out. The only good thing is that they apologized to you but still I think they could do better than that.

In reply to Sutida Luangna

Re: The worst complaint in restaurant

โดย Punnawit Phochatkeaw -
I certainly agreed with your decision of complaining about the speed of the serving, if it was me I would have taken the more agressive approach to the situation for sure. You did will keeping your temper down and still discuss it in good manner so I think that you did very well but I also feel bad for how you have to wait for.