Would you like fries with that?” This phrases coined by McDonald's is world known and made the company millions in revenues.

Mcdonald's Fries

Image Source: https://shoptoughcookies.com/

It’s up-selling at its raw basic form, but it works.

Let’s first start with the definition of up-selling and cross-selling. What is suggestive selling? What is up-selling? What is cross-selling? What are the differences?

Suggestive selling is a sales techniques used in order to obtain a higher profit. It can be divided into two types:

Up-selling is a strategy to sell a more expensive version of the product the customer is trying to buy. Cross-selling is a strategy to sell a complementary product that's related to the one the customer is buying.

Cross selling and Upselling

Image Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/food-beverage-upselling-steps-success-yannis-mourtikas/ 

These two terms are often interchangeable, but they both increase your restaurant's revenue and the waiter’s tip. Examples of up-selling techniques in a restaurant can be offering a gin and tonic to a guest made with Tanq 10 gin rather than the house gin.

But how to achieve it?

Understand the customer’s psychology & mood. Observe them. They could be on a business meal, a family dining out, party or a celebration or even a single business traveller. If you observe your guests carefully the way they walk in, sit at the table, their manner, their dress and their talk… all could give you valuable clues to help you to judge them.

Know your menu & suggest. NEVER ask your guests whether they want something. A question, which has a YES or NO answer, doesn’t start a discussion. In fact, it could LOSE A SALE. Be ready to answer questions about food or beverage that are unknown to the guest. Suggest maximum of 3 items.

Describe. For all dishes, use an appetizing description. Your description should help the guest SEE, SMELL and TASTE the dishes in his mind.

Handle objection. Offer alternatives. Overcome hesitations. Don’t worry if a guest says “no” to your suggestion. Not all your suggestions will be accepted, and that is ok – don’t take it personally. Guests say “no” because they don’t want your suggestion, not because they don’t like you.Even guests who do say “no” will appreciate your efforts to be helpful and professional. Some guests hesitate because they are not sure what the item is; if so, give a confident description. Some guests hesitate because they can’t make a decision. They need encouragement!! To encourage guests to buy, we must speak with confidence and enthusiasm. Show you believe your item is good and the guest can be convinced

Keep Selling!!!!

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/food-beverage-upselling-steps-success-yannis-mourtikas/ retrieved February 1, 2021

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 February 2021, 10:43 AM