Surprise ice cream😢

Surprise ice cream😢

โดย Nichakorn Angsuphanich -
Number of replies: 1

I went to have some treats with my friend at a popular ice cream shop. (Let me tell you that they tend to decorate the store in red). So that day we did order the menu that has five scoops of ice cream in a bowl. We didn’t have to wait that long for our ice cream to be served so we were happy then. We had our ice cream and chit chat just like most people do. Then my friend dig her spoon into the “cookies & cream” flavored ice cream(now if any of you like this flavor I recommend you to skip to the end), she looked at me and went like ‘What the ****’. I looked at her spoon and there was something that look like a hair, a thick and short one. We were curious about it so I use my spoon to kind of investigate and that thing was A FLY. We were in dead shock.

(If any of you skip you can continue here)

I called the server and tell her about it, she apologized to is right away and offer us a new bowl. But at that point we weren’t in a mood to have anymore of it so I asked if we could refund or have any discount. She told us to wait and when she come back she said that the manager wasn’t there and that she can’t offer us anything like that. We didn’t want to ask for more ice cream then so we just pay for that ice cream and left. And both of us didn’t have ice cream from that place for a while.

In reply to Nichakorn Angsuphanich

Re: Surprise ice cream😢

โดย Sutida Luangna -

Aww this is so sad. I’m sorry but I’m laughing and feel pity at the same time. Well, the restaurant should be responsible about it because it’s not fair to not giving you a discount and you paid free for that. I urge you to go with me for the next time and I’ll pay you a new ice cream in the new shop na ka teerak.