Giving bad service and attitudes.

Giving bad service and attitudes.

by Kinzang Lham -
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It was a very nice and good evening with my friends and we planned to eat out for a dinner so while going around we saw one restaurant and we heard that this restaurant has a very good menu and beverages. So we finally decided to go there as every one was so hungry and tired then we entered the restaurant and there were some few people in the tables so we found one table and settled there. We waited for more than 10 minutes for them to give us the menu and again we have to call them and give our orders. The server and the hostess was so rude and they don’t have any customer service skills I was observing them like how they behave . After few hours we got all our orders and the food was nice but the server was so mean and rude because one of my friend wanted to order a beverages so she asked excuse me can I have a bottle of water but she stayed as If she didn’t care about it and again I called her and asked for the water but when she served the bottle she banged on our table then I was so annoyed and I said is this how you treat your customers because I have been observing till now and I couldn’t control my anger so I said you guys have a very well know restaurant but the service is so bad and she showed me her negative side so then I said call your manager I need to talk and after few minutes manager came and me and my friends told everything and he felt so bad and he apologized . From that day onwards we said we won’t go back to that restaurant and now we never go or visit that restaurant because I have heard other customers still complaining about the service .