Wrong money change

by Pannawat Suwannarat -

I haven't have the bad experience that I made in the restaurant before due to I haven't been working in the restaurant but my family have a grocery store. And once time ,I calculate and give the wrong change to the customer. At first, they didn't count the money so they went out of the store. After that they came back and started to compliant about it. And that time I couldn't control and hide my emotion and facial expression. I started to express an unsatisfied face and body language, instead of said apologize to what I have done. And this story end up by I give the correct money but not in polite way.I'm lucky that the customers didn't do anything that effect bad image to the store. but after that thing happen I start to change my mind and put myself in other shoes.I feel guilty every time when I thinking about this story because it my biggest mistake and lesson to improve myself.

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Giving bad service and attitudes.

by Kinzang Lham -

It was a very nice and good evening with my friends and we planned to eat out for a dinner so while going around we saw one restaurant and we heard that this restaurant has a very good menu and beverages. So we finally decided to go there as every one was so hungry and tired then we entered the restaurant and there were some few people in the tables so we found one table and settled there. We waited for more than 10 minutes for them to give us the menu and again we have to call them and give our orders. The server and the hostess was so rude and they don’t have any customer service skills I was observing them like how they behave . After few hours we got all our orders and the food was nice but the server was so mean and rude because one of my friend wanted to order a beverages so she asked excuse me can I have a bottle of water but she stayed as If she didn’t care about it and again I called her and asked for the water but when she served the bottle she banged on our table then I was so annoyed and I said is this how you treat your customers because I have been observing till now and I couldn’t control my anger so I said you guys have a very well know restaurant but the service is so bad and she showed me her negative side so then I said call your manager I need to talk and after few minutes manager came and me and my friends told everything and he felt so bad and he apologized . From that day onwards we said we won’t go back to that restaurant and now we never go or visit that restaurant because I have heard other customers still complaining about the service .

Not bringing the order on time ;(

by Suphitchaya Sathitsingkhon -

One thing that when I dinning out at restaurant with a large group of people like family or friends, I usually like to go casual dining restaurant with their offer only a la carte menu so that everyone can order something different, that everyone can share and enjoy delicious food menu.

Honestly, there is one casual dinning restaurant that make me disappointed and unsatisfied with their food service. When there are 2-3 food order that we have been waiting for a long time while we have enjoyed other food orders so I have asking the staff that who have take our order, to follow up the order. Then, the food order still not come to our table and I looked at the staff, they did not notice about our food order again when I have asking from the first time to follow up the order. We finished all the order that have bringing to serve, because If we just keep waiting other order all be serve, it will make other food cool down and tasted down the food and the food are not look like to enjoy anymore. Until, we end the food, some order still not come and we decided to cancel the food order that not yet arrive on the time but the staff said that the food are cooking already so I complaint at them…I said that we have been wait a long time until we done the meal…you still not come to ask us or follow up our food order and did not say or tell ask that the order is going to be delayed or apologized us so it is your false that not take care good in the service to the customer.

By the end, we only pay what we have eaten.

Don't care kid customer

by Kongphop Chulaprungroung -

I went to one of chicken restaurant, as there are many customer ordering the food. I am requesting waiter a menu for order, for the first time they ignore me and take care of other customer however I was thinking to myself maybe i came here alone so they would like to served other customer first then me but I was wrong. I was asking them second and third times they still ignore me. Lastly I have enough of this I called one of the waiter can complained to him "bro please take care the inside customer first and please respect their order even though he/she came here alone" then I walked out of the restaurant and never come back again. 

Serving guest who came later first

by Punnawit Phochatkeaw -

As we all expected from a local restaurant is the normal phrase that people uses. “First come, First serve”. Well... this restaurant definitely does not care. We order 3-5minutes before the table that came after us but somehow that got the food before us. We thought they were reserved but no they were as clueless as we are when opening the  menu. So I decided to say the worst thing I ever say to the restaurant server. “Umm... excused me but I’ve order the food before that table and I got it after him? Are we sitting somewhere that you can’t see us?”. Pretty sure it was from pure anger of haven’t eat anything yet and I do think that I could have said it in better manner but pretty I was very hungry.

Serving guest who came later first

by Punnawit Phochatkeaw -

As we all expected from a local restaurant is the normal phrase that people uses. “First come, First serve”. Well... this restaurant definitely does not care. We order 3-5minutes before the table that came after us but somehow that got the food before us. We thought they were reserved but no they were as clueless as we are when opening the  menu. So I decided to say the worst thing I ever say to the restaurant server. “Umm... excused me but I’ve order the food before that table and I got it after him? Are we sitting somewhere that you can’t see us?”. Pretty sure it was from pure anger of haven’t eat anything yet and I do think that I could have said it in better manner but pretty I was very hungry.

Unorganized restaurant

by Manutchaya Chotisupha -
This is the complaint that happened long time ago at one of the restaurant. When the restaurant have a bad service or do something wrong with the order of food or me I usually tell them face to face. In this case, is about the staff looking so confuse and don’t know how to mange works properly. I went to this restaurant with my friends and when we entered it’s look like they are busy. There was no one guide us to the seat so we just walk to the table. It took like 10mins for the staff to realize that there are new customer coming in, they get us the menu and quickly walk away. They left us sitting there and not come to take an order for like 20mins, at that moment i start to get hungry and regret that I walked into this restaurant. After a while, they serve the wrong food and a couple of minute the other staff came to serve the food again and it was wrong again so I start to complain that you serve the wrong food again, it is not for our table and should be responsible more. Also, I told him that we are here for like more than 30mins already and we haven’t got any food. The staff look confuse and apologized to us. The staff that gave us the menu, take an order and serve the food are all different person. This shows that the staff are not cooperating of what they are doing. They have no position and very unorganized.

The staff mistakes

by Onchompoo Peankhontod -

Long time ago but not that long, I went to the popular Som-tum restaurant with my friend which is my favorite place that I always go. On that day me and my friend were order some food that we usually did there was one girl that usually come to take my order and give me the services but on that day she’s not there. There was one staff that came  to take my order and everything was normal, I wait for my food but that time it’s take too long for the food so I ask them about it, after the food just came. When me and my friend finish eating I just told the staff to check bill so I can pay money. At that time a staff face and react that came to service me is not good a staff face is not welcoming the customer but I didn’t complain anything. After I pay for my food I need to get the change from them, a staff give me back 2xxbaht but the change that I need to get back is 1xxbaht so I start call the staff to check out is there correct or not. The staff make a face offensive that I call them but I just told them that “ you gave me more money that I could get if I don’t tell you about this money the one that will have problems with this restaurant is you not me and please welcome the customers and give them good service.

For someone that couldn’t understand what I wrote about you can check out here I went to one restaurant but I got not really good service the staff gave me wrong change and not welcoming the customer so I just complained them about it and tell them to make good customers service.

The Waiting Game

by Benkei Mom -

I will be honest, I have never made a complaint in a restaurant before. Not because all the restaurants I have been to were always good, but I just never had the assurance to make a complaint. However, I can recall one of my friends telling me a story of when he made a complaint to a restaurant back in the Philippines. My friend went to a restaurant with some of his classmates. As they seated themselves in the restaurant they waited and called, waited and called, waited and called until after 10 minutes one of the waiters came to ask if they were ready to order. With the look of confusion on my friend’s face, he told the waiter that they don’t know what to order because they did not get the menu. The waiter apparently apologized and came back with the menu. After ordering their food and drinks, the waiting game begins. As they waited and waited and waited and waited until it took about 20-25 minutes for their drinks to arrive, which most of them ordered was just water. After their drinks arrived, they waited and waited and waited and waited, until the big pot of rice came. My friend and his friends at this point were getting hungrier and hungrier as time goes by, but they kept waiting and waiting, to the point where my friend tried to get the attention of the waiter, which took him another 4-5 times, to which he got annoyed and stood up and walked over to the cashier. He asked about their order as they’ve been waiting for almost over an hour for their food and they said they were going to check on it for them, so he decided to just pay and leave.

The worst complaint in restaurant

by Peerapat Sungkawasee -

I went to the Indian restaurant with my friends since 4 years ago. There is a lot of people so we walk to the table and sit down by our self and then wait for someone to come to service us, we wait for along time maybe 5-10 minute until one of my friend walk to the back of the restaurant and call someone that we can order. After that we wait for the food and it took 30-40 minute to serve all the food, I must say that I’m so disappoint about the food because the look of the food was so  different from the picture that I have seen in the menu, so I thought that it was a wrong one from the one that I ordered but anyway I just eat it. After we finished the food me and my friend went to complained to the restaurant manger about all the things from beginning we visit the restaurant that we’re not satisfied then he gave the apologized to us.

Preraya Ongartsuebsakul Ping

by Preraya Ongartsuebskul -
The story happened when I was on a trip to the provinces with my mom and older brother and sister.  Where I went is quite popular in the neighborhood as there are quite a few restaurants.  Thus making this shop the first choice that tourists choose to go  And we are one of them  But on that day, my brothers and I ate until they were full.  But my mother hasn't eaten anything yet.  So we decided to stop by this restaurant for Mom to stop and eat.  At first, the shop was quite crowded.  But still have a table for us to choose  We chose a table for a long time because my mother wanted to sit and watch the view outside.  But the brothers complained that it was cold, so it took a long time to decide.  At that time, I noticed the attitude of the workforce.  They seem to whisper and look at us.  After that, we started ordering food.  But since me and my brothers ate it, we only ordered  Large plate of fried rice, just one dish with the ingredients  When the waiter brought the glasses and utensils to the table, my mom saw the stains on the glass.  It is like a viscous glue.  It's like a mousetrap glue.  My mom got the shop and asked to change glasses.  But my mother was unsure about the cleanliness of the shop.  Causing us to change to drinking water from a bottle instead  After eating  I felt from eating until I left.  The staff who served us at our table  Just whispering something to the worker in the shop while looking at our table.  It makes me feel uncomfortable and  Very bad feeling🙄😢

The worst complaint that I have ever made in a restaurant.

by Pawares Kento Kasai -

     I went to Japanese restaurant with my mom. It was a normal service that the waiter would come to take an order. After the waiter finished take our order. The waiter would pour water in ours glasses. The problem happened in this situation. The waiter did not properly perform her duty when she poured water. Causing the water to overflow from glasses. Then the waiter just walked away. She not even said the word “Sorry or Apologized”. Firstly, I thought that she might went to get a cloth to wipe the water on the table. But it was definitely no!!! .She did not come back to wipe the water on the table. So, I called the restaurant manager. Then me and my mom told restaurant manager what happened. Then restaurant manager apologized to us. In hospitality industry this situation might not happened if the restaurant trains their staff properly. This is the worst complaint that I have ever made in a restaurant.

Surprise ice cream😢

by Nichakorn Angsuphanich -

I went to have some treats with my friend at a popular ice cream shop. (Let me tell you that they tend to decorate the store in red). So that day we did order the menu that has five scoops of ice cream in a bowl. We didn’t have to wait that long for our ice cream to be served so we were happy then. We had our ice cream and chit chat just like most people do. Then my friend dig her spoon into the “cookies & cream” flavored ice cream(now if any of you like this flavor I recommend you to skip to the end), she looked at me and went like ‘What the ****’. I looked at her spoon and there was something that look like a hair, a thick and short one. We were curious about it so I use my spoon to kind of investigate and that thing was A FLY. We were in dead shock.

(If any of you skip you can continue here)

I called the server and tell her about it, she apologized to is right away and offer us a new bowl. But at that point we weren’t in a mood to have anymore of it so I asked if we could refund or have any discount. She told us to wait and when she come back she said that the manager wasn’t there and that she can’t offer us anything like that. We didn’t want to ask for more ice cream then so we just pay for that ice cream and left. And both of us didn’t have ice cream from that place for a while.

The worst complaint in restaurant

by Sutida Luangna -

Before I’m going to talk about my worst complaint that I made in the restaurent, I’m going to tell you guys that I’m a person who isn’t really serious about anything, I’m not complaining often, so if I really complaint with that things , it is really the  worst. Let’s start, well, this is a Thai Isaan restaurant in Koh Samui. I like to went there because I like to eat Isaan food and it is near my house, so each time I went there, there are many situations that I want to complain but I don’t. But that day I really had to do it because I was ordered a foods before other tables but I received it last. I was waiting about my food like 30 minutes and I told them already but they still serve a foods to another tables so I didn’t understand why my food took so long so I still wait until 1H and half and then my foods come. I’m really sorry but the restaurant is very popular but the service is so bad so I was complaining like why my foods come so late and why you can serve to another table before me while I ordered first and I was so mad so they apologized me but they look like they didn’t care about it. So this is my worst complaints because I think it is not fair to do it in the hospitality industry. Thank you.